Nestled in the Scottish Borders, in the beautiful, historic Traquair House, Jenny Biddle busts out her acoustic-blues version of Michael Jackson’s classic, Billie Jean. Alternate tuning CGCGCD, capo 5 For guitar tips and tricks from Jenny, join her on Patreon Listen on Spotify and all streaming platforms. Recorded by Perception Media Collective, Traquair House, […] 06:35:252023-02-02 10:35:34Have you seen Jenny's acoustic blues & roots rendition of Billie Jean?
Is 2022 your year for learning guitar? With her unique, hybrid style of guitar playing, developed across three decades of guitar-playing experience, Jenny Biddle is now sharing her guitar secrets in the form of mini video tutorials. Exclusive to Patreon (a website for creatives and their supporters), Jenny’s video tutorials cater for both beginners and […] 13:07:192021-12-29 13:28:50Jenny Launches her Guitar Secrets on Patreon!
It’s here! Ready for your ears! Introducing Jenny Biddle’s 8th independent album “Hoping for a Hero”! Explore thirteen exquisitely crafted compositions, as Jenny candidly surveys the ups and downs of life using her diverse palette of blues, folk, alt-country, rock and roots flavours. Several years in the making, and playing a dozen instruments on this […] 14:15:202020-11-29 14:15:49Jenny's 8th Album "Hoping for a Hero" AVAILABLE NOW! 17:43:442020-10-26 14:49:04"Five Foot Tall" Stop Motion Video Out Now!
The SEQUEL to Jenny’s popular track “Hero in Me” has just been release online! In 2017 Australia held a plebiscite, asking the nation to decide whether same-sex marriage should be legalised in Australia. The vote saw 62% of people saying YES to marriage equality, and as of January 2018 the first same-sex marriages were celebrated. […] 12:03:312019-04-05 13:54:40In Celebration of Same-Sex Marriage being legalised in Australia, Jenny has added a new verse to her coming out song! 16:55:262018-01-10 22:25:01Hero in Me Official Music Video
When I was 16 I thought I was the only gay girl on the planet (and that Ellen DeGeneres was a fictional character). I used to pray to God that if he wouldn’t make me straight, he’d at least grant gay-marriage and hook me up with Helen Hunt (remember Twister?). Needless to say, God did […] 13:18:482017-08-29 17:04:46Jenny speaks up about Gay Marriage and the Australian Plebiscite
I debated whether or not to blog about this topic. But I figured it’s a way to start discussion, open communication, get people talking and perhaps hear about other people’s stories. I’ve decided to come off my anti-depressants. I went on a low dose of Effexor (75mg) in April 2011. At that point […]
With Lycra and lumps in all the wrong places… the Official Music Video for Hero in Me is now up, up and away. Hero in Me Music Video (Official). Directed by Rebecca Greensill (Home & Away). 12:46:432013-11-20 14:23:12Hero in Me - Music Video (Official)
On the Easter long weekend, a team of 36 people came together for the making of my very first video clip for the title track from my band new album, Hero in Me. What an experience! 16:13:022023-02-07 15:19:34BLOG: THE MAKING of the HERO IN ME VIDEO CLIP
G’day Creative Person, So you want to do something great, make something marvellous, invest in your ingenious ideas, use your creativity to help the world….. but you don’t have the funds? You’re thinking crowd-funding? Choice! Crowd-funding can turn your creative dreams into a reality. 03:55:112017-03-09 01:51:29Resources for Musos: How to Crowd-Funding your Creativity
Photographer Andrew Ray shares his images of the Hero in Me Melbourne Album Launch. 15 March 2013 – The Thornbury Theatre Dave Kleynjans (drums), David Rogers (bass) 09:26:422013-04-16 09:35:27Photos: Hero in Me Album Launch
Billie Jean (Michael Jackson) Jenny Biddle performs her award-winning rootsy version of Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean at The Manly Fig (Sydney) July 2012. Video by Robbie Elliot (The Manly Fig) Jenny’s version of this song is available on her Little Treasures album.
It’s been 4 months since I “finished” making Ann-Marie. But there have been a few things missing. 1) the pickup & preamp 2) the strap pin 3) a scratch plate 18:59:142017-10-11 22:10:31The Brutal Act of Installing the Pickup/Preamp: Guitar Making Blog
Wow, I’ve finished making Ann-Marie, my first acoustic guitar. I made this guitar over a period of 30 days (2011-2012) at Thomas Lloyd Guitars in Montsalvat (Eltham – VIC) under the guidance and instruction of wonderful luthier Chris Wynne. WOODS: Bunya Pine: soundboard Tasmanian Blackheart Sassafras: back, sides, head plate, rosette Gidgee: fretboard, pinless bridge, […] 00:09:002012-12-30 11:33:56The Making of Ann-Marie Acoustic Guitar Complete
Wow, the making of Ann Marie is complete. I thought I’d whack up a quick video to let you know what she sounds like. In this video I’ve done a version of Lighthouse by the Waifs. 23:48:102013-04-22 17:07:21Video: Sound Sample of Ann Marie - Self Made Acoustic Guitar (Lighthouse by the Waifs)
The other kids in class warned me about the “all day sanding” day. Today was that day. My guitar is a point now, where I need to sand out all the markings, blemishes, lumps and bumps, and prepare the guitar to be oiled. So I spent most of the day sanding. Sanding and sanding. Much […]
Bridge engineering: I brought my Takamine guitar along today to attempt to create a similar bridge design. My purpose to have a bridge like the Takamine, rather than the standard Maton style bridge that holds the strings in with removable pins, is because I don’t want to fiddle around with pins while changing strings at […]
Have you seen Jenny’s acoustic blues & roots rendition of Billie Jean?
/in News /by jenNestled in the Scottish Borders, in the beautiful, historic Traquair House, Jenny Biddle busts out her acoustic-blues version of Michael Jackson’s classic, Billie Jean. Alternate tuning CGCGCD, capo 5 For guitar tips and tricks from Jenny, join her on Patreon Listen on Spotify and all streaming platforms. Recorded by Perception Media Collective, Traquair House, […]
Jenny Launches her Guitar Secrets on Patreon!
/in News /by jenIs 2022 your year for learning guitar? With her unique, hybrid style of guitar playing, developed across three decades of guitar-playing experience, Jenny Biddle is now sharing her guitar secrets in the form of mini video tutorials. Exclusive to Patreon (a website for creatives and their supporters), Jenny’s video tutorials cater for both beginners and […]
Jenny’s 8th Album “Hoping for a Hero” AVAILABLE NOW!
/in News /by jenIt’s here! Ready for your ears! Introducing Jenny Biddle’s 8th independent album “Hoping for a Hero”! Explore thirteen exquisitely crafted compositions, as Jenny candidly surveys the ups and downs of life using her diverse palette of blues, folk, alt-country, rock and roots flavours. Several years in the making, and playing a dozen instruments on this […]
“Five Foot Tall” Stop Motion Video Out Now!
/in News /by jenThe Sequel is Here!
/in News /by jenThe SEQUEL to Jenny’s popular track “Hero in Me” has just been release online! In 2017 Australia held a plebiscite, asking the nation to decide whether same-sex marriage should be legalised in Australia. The vote saw 62% of people saying YES to marriage equality, and as of January 2018 the first same-sex marriages were celebrated. […]
In Celebration of Same-Sex Marriage being legalised in Australia, Jenny has added a new verse to her coming out song!
/in News /by jenListen to the studio remix on Spotify: Hero in Me (Hero in You Remix)
Hero in Me Official Music Video
/0 Comments/in News /by jenVideo: Loaded Gun
/0 Comments/in News /by jenJenny speaks up about Gay Marriage and the Australian Plebiscite
/0 Comments/in News /by jenWhen I was 16 I thought I was the only gay girl on the planet (and that Ellen DeGeneres was a fictional character). I used to pray to God that if he wouldn’t make me straight, he’d at least grant gay-marriage and hook me up with Helen Hunt (remember Twister?). Needless to say, God did […]
BLOG (Part 1): Coming Off Anti-Depressants
/4 Comments/in Bloggy Blog Mc Blog /by jenI debated whether or not to blog about this topic. But I figured it’s a way to start discussion, open communication, get people talking and perhaps hear about other people’s stories. I’ve decided to come off my anti-depressants. I went on a low dose of Effexor (75mg) in April 2011. At that point […]
Hero in Me – Music Video (Official)
/1 Comment/in News, Videos /by jenWith Lycra and lumps in all the wrong places… the Official Music Video for Hero in Me is now up, up and away. Hero in Me Music Video (Official). Directed by Rebecca Greensill (Home & Away).
/3 Comments/in Bloggy Blog Mc Blog, News, Videos /by jenOn the Easter long weekend, a team of 36 people came together for the making of my very first video clip for the title track from my band new album, Hero in Me. What an experience!
Resources for Musos: How to Crowd-Funding your Creativity
/0 Comments/in News, Resources for Musos /by jenG’day Creative Person, So you want to do something great, make something marvellous, invest in your ingenious ideas, use your creativity to help the world….. but you don’t have the funds? You’re thinking crowd-funding? Choice! Crowd-funding can turn your creative dreams into a reality.
Photos: Hero in Me Album Launch
/0 Comments/in Gallery, News /by jenPhotographer Andrew Ray shares his images of the Hero in Me Melbourne Album Launch. 15 March 2013 – The Thornbury Theatre Dave Kleynjans (drums), David Rogers (bass)
Video: Billie Jean (Michael Jackson)
/0 Comments/in News, Videos /by jenBillie Jean (Michael Jackson) Jenny Biddle performs her award-winning rootsy version of Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean at The Manly Fig (Sydney) July 2012. Video by Robbie Elliot (The Manly Fig) Jenny’s version of this song is available on her Little Treasures album.
The Brutal Act of Installing the Pickup/Preamp: Guitar Making Blog
/1 Comment/in Guitar Making Diary, News /by jenIt’s been 4 months since I “finished” making Ann-Marie. But there have been a few things missing. 1) the pickup & preamp 2) the strap pin 3) a scratch plate
The Making of Ann-Marie Acoustic Guitar Complete
/4 Comments/in Gallery, Guitar Making Diary, News /by jenWow, I’ve finished making Ann-Marie, my first acoustic guitar. I made this guitar over a period of 30 days (2011-2012) at Thomas Lloyd Guitars in Montsalvat (Eltham – VIC) under the guidance and instruction of wonderful luthier Chris Wynne. WOODS: Bunya Pine: soundboard Tasmanian Blackheart Sassafras: back, sides, head plate, rosette Gidgee: fretboard, pinless bridge, […]
Video: Sound Sample of Ann Marie – Self Made Acoustic Guitar (Lighthouse by the Waifs)
/0 Comments/in Guitar Making Diary, News, Videos /by jenWow, the making of Ann Marie is complete. I thought I’d whack up a quick video to let you know what she sounds like. In this video I’ve done a version of Lighthouse by the Waifs.
Day 25: Sanding, Ironing, Sanding
/0 Comments/in Guitar Making Diary, News /by jenThe other kids in class warned me about the “all day sanding” day. Today was that day. My guitar is a point now, where I need to sand out all the markings, blemishes, lumps and bumps, and prepare the guitar to be oiled. So I spent most of the day sanding. Sanding and sanding. Much […]
Day 24: Bridge Engineering
/0 Comments/in Guitar Making Diary, News /by jenBridge engineering: I brought my Takamine guitar along today to attempt to create a similar bridge design. My purpose to have a bridge like the Takamine, rather than the standard Maton style bridge that holds the strings in with removable pins, is because I don’t want to fiddle around with pins while changing strings at […]