It was hard to feel like I got much done today, as the changes are quite minimal in the photographs, but it’s all part of it. Designing a bridge: You may have seen previous photos where I’ve had a bridge positioned on my guitar, but I haven’t actually created the bridge yet. In those photos, […]
Frettin’ the fretboard today. Don’t rush, don’t fret! Today’s all about patience, getting it right. The more accurate at this point, the easier the set up will be when it comes time to string the guitar.
27/3/2012 10am-5:30pm. Shaping the neck, heel block and headstock: Lots of carving, filing and sanding today. This has been one of the most magical parts of the guitar-making journey. To carve a neck, heel block and headstock out of a chunk of wood feels amazing.
DAY 18 – 19/3/2012 10am-4:30pm. Oh the irony. My first session back since shaving my noggin’ for the World’s Greatest Shave, and the first tool Chris hands me to get on with my guitar is a hair dryer……. 00:31:222012-11-06 10:30:32Day 18: Hours and hours of sanding….
DAY 17 – 15/3/2012 1pm-5:30pm. Super productive day today. Bang, bang, bang. I routed a space for the bindings, hand bent the bindings, and glued them to the body! 16:05:292012-11-06 10:30:32Day 17: Gluing bindings to the guitar body
DAY 15 – 29/2/2012 11-5pm. There’s something therapeutic about building a guitar. There’s something relaxing about doing woodwork. A guitar is coming out of the woodwork…
jen 04:52:112012-11-06 10:30:32Jenny Biddle wins MELBOURNE'S BEST BUSKER for the second year in a row!
Jenny Biddle wins the People’s Choice Award at the 2012 Tamworth Country Music Festival! Performing for nine days straight, alongside over 500 other street performers, Jenny Biddle won the hearts of Tamworth Country Music Festival attenders this January, taking out the People’s Choice Award in the 2012 Australian Country Music Festival Busking Championships. Congratulations Jenny on your […] 14:07:532012-11-06 10:30:32Jenny Biddle wins "People's Choice Award" at the Tamworth Country Music Festival Busking Championships
DAY 12 – 8/2/2012 10-4pm. I am SO stoked! The two side pieces are now bent into the shape of my guitar. I left them clamped into frames over two days, and released them from the frames today. VOILÁ! The sides held their newly bent shape. They look amazing.
jen 19:51:212012-11-06 10:30:32Day 12: Joining the sides of the guitar together
DAY 11 –6/2/2012 11-2:30pm. I was a little reluctant for the first day back at the workshop for the New Year, as I knew this session would involve remaking the sides of the guitar from scratch after I broke the cutaway on my first attempt at hand bending. My new sassafras pieces had arrived and […] 12:00:222012-11-06 10:30:33Day 11: To BREAK or not to BREAK!
Creating bracing for the soundboard: Today was all about creating the bracing for the soundboard. This is a detailed process, and there’s a set formula/layout to follow. Altering this formula will have a profound effect on the distribution of the sound across the soundboard, thus altering the sound/tone.
jen 22:09:542017-10-23 12:19:32Day 6: Embedding the rosette, cutting the soundboard
I walked through the gorgeous grounds of Montsalvat for another day in the workshop. I think the pet peacock was trying to mate with a duck. The duck did NOT look impressed. It was a little awkward… 11:59:132013-04-20 14:59:53Day 5: Creating the rosette and headplate
Wow, got a lot done today. Piece by piece it’s coming together. Things I expected to be ages away are happening now. Think I’ll miss the process when it’s all done. But there’s still a way to go. 11:25:322013-04-20 14:48:03Day 4: Carving back bracing, kerfed lining, picking soundboard and cutting the neck.
It’s now been three weeks since I last worked on the guitar, as I’ve been away on tour. And I can’t tell you how much I’ve been itching to get back into the workshop to continue.
I stepped onto the beautiful historic grounds of Montsalvat and headed through peacocks and huge scary geese (it’s mating season) to the THOMAS LLOYD GUITAR WORKSHOP ( to begin my 10 week acoustic guitar making course. 22:01:162013-04-20 14:49:40Day 1: The Making of Ann-Marie (Acoustic Guitar)
For a long while I’ve had the desire to make an acoustic guitar. Back in year 12, as part of the HSC Design & Tech major work, I made a portable electric guitar that won a Design Tech Award, 2002. 19:21:372012-11-06 10:30:33Blog: Building a Guitar
This January, in boots, a flanny and cowboy hat, Jenny Biddle hit the Tamworth Country Music Festival for the first time. Jenny joined the other 500 buskers that built up a storm on Peel St for the 9 days of the festival. In 35°C heat, Jenny set up her busking rig outside Jeans West on […] 12:19:232012-11-06 10:30:33Runners Up at the Tamworth Country Music Festival 2011 12:07:032012-11-06 10:30:33Jenny Biddle wins title of “Melbourne’s Best Busker”
Day 23: Designing the bridge
/0 Comments/in Guitar Making Diary, News /by jenIt was hard to feel like I got much done today, as the changes are quite minimal in the photographs, but it’s all part of it. Designing a bridge: You may have seen previous photos where I’ve had a bridge positioned on my guitar, but I haven’t actually created the bridge yet. In those photos, […]
Day 22: Fretting!
/0 Comments/in Guitar Making Diary, Home, News /by jenFrettin’ the fretboard today. Don’t rush, don’t fret! Today’s all about patience, getting it right. The more accurate at this point, the easier the set up will be when it comes time to string the guitar.
Day 21: Shaping the neck
/1 Comment/in Guitar Making Diary, News /by jen27/3/2012 10am-5:30pm. Shaping the neck, heel block and headstock: Lots of carving, filing and sanding today. This has been one of the most magical parts of the guitar-making journey. To carve a neck, heel block and headstock out of a chunk of wood feels amazing.
Day 18: Hours and hours of sanding….
/0 Comments/in Guitar Making Diary, Home /by jenDAY 18 – 19/3/2012 10am-4:30pm. Oh the irony. My first session back since shaving my noggin’ for the World’s Greatest Shave, and the first tool Chris hands me to get on with my guitar is a hair dryer…….
Day 17: Gluing bindings to the guitar body
/0 Comments/in Guitar Making Diary, Home, News /by jenDAY 17 – 15/3/2012 1pm-5:30pm. Super productive day today. Bang, bang, bang. I routed a space for the bindings, hand bent the bindings, and glued them to the body!
Day 15: Creating the soundbox…
/0 Comments/in Guitar Making Diary /by jenDAY 15 – 29/2/2012 11-5pm. There’s something therapeutic about building a guitar. There’s something relaxing about doing woodwork. A guitar is coming out of the woodwork…
Jenny Biddle wins MELBOURNE’S BEST BUSKER for the second year in a row!
/0 Comments/in Home, News /by jenThursday 23rd February, Jenny was crowned Melbourne’s Best Busker for the second year in a row!
Jenny Biddle wins “People’s Choice Award” at the Tamworth Country Music Festival Busking Championships
/0 Comments/in Home, News /by jenJenny Biddle wins the People’s Choice Award at the 2012 Tamworth Country Music Festival! Performing for nine days straight, alongside over 500 other street performers, Jenny Biddle won the hearts of Tamworth Country Music Festival attenders this January, taking out the People’s Choice Award in the 2012 Australian Country Music Festival Busking Championships. Congratulations Jenny on your […]
Day 12: Joining the sides of the guitar together
/0 Comments/in Guitar Making Diary, News /by jenDAY 12 – 8/2/2012 10-4pm. I am SO stoked! The two side pieces are now bent into the shape of my guitar. I left them clamped into frames over two days, and released them from the frames today. VOILÁ! The sides held their newly bent shape. They look amazing.
Day 11: To BREAK or not to BREAK!
/0 Comments/in Guitar Making Diary, Home /by jenDAY 11 –6/2/2012 11-2:30pm. I was a little reluctant for the first day back at the workshop for the New Year, as I knew this session would involve remaking the sides of the guitar from scratch after I broke the cutaway on my first attempt at hand bending. My new sassafras pieces had arrived and […]
Day 7: Creating the soundboard bracing
/0 Comments/in Guitar Making Diary, News /by jenCreating bracing for the soundboard: Today was all about creating the bracing for the soundboard. This is a detailed process, and there’s a set formula/layout to follow. Altering this formula will have a profound effect on the distribution of the sound across the soundboard, thus altering the sound/tone.
Day 6: Embedding the rosette, cutting the soundboard
/in Guitar Making Diary, News /by jenToday’s progress involved embedding the rosette into the soundboard, cutting the sound hole, and cutting out the shape of the soundboard.
Day 5: Creating the rosette and headplate
/0 Comments/in Guitar Making Diary /by jenI walked through the gorgeous grounds of Montsalvat for another day in the workshop. I think the pet peacock was trying to mate with a duck. The duck did NOT look impressed. It was a little awkward…
Day 4: Carving back bracing, kerfed lining, picking soundboard and cutting the neck.
/0 Comments/in Guitar Making Diary /by jenWow, got a lot done today. Piece by piece it’s coming together. Things I expected to be ages away are happening now. Think I’ll miss the process when it’s all done. But there’s still a way to go.
Day 3: Carving Back Bracing
/0 Comments/in Guitar Making Diary /by jenOn arrival today I was to test if the glue had repaired the inch crack through my cutaway. No.
Day 2: Creating Guitar Back, Bracing, and Hand-Bending the Cutaway
/0 Comments/in Guitar Making Diary /by jenIt’s now been three weeks since I last worked on the guitar, as I’ve been away on tour. And I can’t tell you how much I’ve been itching to get back into the workshop to continue.
Day 1: The Making of Ann-Marie (Acoustic Guitar)
/in Guitar Making Diary /by jenI stepped onto the beautiful historic grounds of Montsalvat and headed through peacocks and huge scary geese (it’s mating season) to the THOMAS LLOYD GUITAR WORKSHOP ( to begin my 10 week acoustic guitar making course.
Blog: Building a Guitar
/in Guitar Making Diary /by jenFor a long while I’ve had the desire to make an acoustic guitar. Back in year 12, as part of the HSC Design & Tech major work, I made a portable electric guitar that won a Design Tech Award, 2002.
Runners Up at the Tamworth Country Music Festival 2011
/in News /by jenThis January, in boots, a flanny and cowboy hat, Jenny Biddle hit the Tamworth Country Music Festival for the first time. Jenny joined the other 500 buskers that built up a storm on Peel St for the 9 days of the festival. In 35°C heat, Jenny set up her busking rig outside Jeans West on […]
Jenny Biddle wins title of “Melbourne’s Best Busker”
/in News /by jenWith the help of supportive fans, Jenny Biddle took home the title of “Melbourne’s Best Busker” as crowds went nuts with generosity.