Day 22: Fretting!

Frettin’ the fretboard today. Don’t rush, don’t fret! Today’s all about patience, getting it right. The more accurate at this point, the easier the set up will be when it comes time to string the guitar. Read more

Day 18: Hours and hours of sanding….


Baldie with a blow drier?

 DAY 18 – 19/3/2012 10am-4:30pm.


Oh the irony. My first session back since shaving my noggin’ for the World’s Greatest Shave, and the first tool Chris hands me to get on with my guitar is a hair dryer……. Read more

Day 17: Gluing bindings to the guitar body

Ready to route the guitar

Ready to route the guitar

DAY 17 – 15/3/2012 1pm-5:30pm.

Super productive day today. Bang, bang, bang. I routed a space for the bindings, hand bent the bindings, and glued them to the body! Read more

Jenny Biddle wins “People’s Choice Award” at the Tamworth Country Music Festival Busking Championships

Jenny Biddle wins the People’s Choice Award at the 2012 Tamworth Country Music Festival!

Performing for nine days straight, alongside over 500 other street performers, Jenny Biddle won the hearts of Tamworth Country Music Festival attenders this January, taking out the People’s Choice Award in the 2012 Australian Country Music Festival Busking Championships.

Congratulations Jenny on your first Australian Award, and a BIG THANK YOU to the many music lovers who showed their tremendous support, voted, and bought Jenny’s tunes!

Day 11: To BREAK or not to BREAK!

DAY 11 –6/2/2012

I was a little reluctant for the first day back at the workshop for the New Year, as I knew this session would involve remaking the sides of the guitar from scratch after I broke the cutaway on my first attempt at hand bending. My new sassafras pieces had arrived and to my surprise, these pieces of timber were far more beautiful than the first, I could almost say “Lucky I broke the first lot.” 

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