Here’s a page dedicated to resources I highly recommend!
As an independent musician, I outsource some wonderful creative people and organisations, from graphics to printing, recording, etc.
If you’re looking to create an album, website, etc, I can highly recommend the services of the following creative peeps and businesses:
CD Pressing:
Based in Richmond, Melbourne, Victoria, these guys are an impressive CD printing company. A great show room, very helpful and friendly staff, quality produce, quick and reliable. What more could you want.
Visit their Website
CD Baby:
After trying a few different distributors, particularly for iTunes and digital download outlets, CD Baby has been the best company I’ve come across by far. It’s easier, they’re efficient, they respond to emails, they’re thorough, relatively affordable, and what’s more, they send you DIY tips to marketing and doing the indie-muso thing.
While the future of CDs may be threatened, these guys also come up with a solution for that, offering download cards. Check ’em out!
Visit their Website
Graphics Design
Katrina Leighton:
Katrina Leighton has been my graphics artists for years. She’s done the artwork for my past three albums, as well as some posters and merch design. Based in Melbourne, she is the graphics artist for the Australian Coles website, owns an online quirky jewellery store:, and does freelance graphics. She’s incredibly efficient, talented, and experienced.
Email: [email protected]
Don Bartley:
Don Bartley is a pro at mastering. Long time experience, profesh, all the gear. All you do is send him your tracks online and he’ll send ‘em back mastered in no time. Sometimes within a day. It’s amazing watching him pluck out unwanted sounds, and give you crystal sound for your CDs/mp3s. He knows his stuff.
Mailing List:
Mailchimp is awesome! Highly recommended. You can set up templates, forms, keep track of subscriber statistics, email all, email segments. AND it’s FREE!
Raditya Fadilla:
Raditya Fadilla’s institutive observational skills put his photography skills above any other I’ve seen. He doesn’t just set up a shot, frame it in perfect balance and use the technology wisely…. he stands by to observe with his wise eyes, picking the exact instant to snatch in time that manages to capture an entire story in one single moment. There’s a soul and a romance in Rad’s photos, and they have become the face of my music career featuring on my website, album covers and promotional material. He’s now gone back to his Indonesian hometown, but you can contact him.
Facebook Page
Email: [email protected]
Sean Carey:
Boy do I rave about this guy. He’s the former guitarist from Thirsty Merc, a multi-instrumentalist, and an absolute whiz when it comes to sound engineering AND producing. It’s important to find a producer that you work well with, and for me, this guy is on my wavelength. While he may be pricier than the average producer/sound engineer, he’s worth every penny. You’ll save time, and money for session musos when you work with this dude. Absolute musical genius. And what’s more, he’s a totally down-to-earth, genuine dude.
Photo by Kat Hawke Photography!
Style with Cindy:
As someone who started wearing boardshorts, bonds shirts and thongs to gigs at the beginning of her career, reluctant to put emphasis on fashion, I’ve recently discovered a fantastic stylist in Melbourne. Style with Cindy is amazing. She won’t try to mold you into something you’re not, but rather enhance you. Take Ellen DeGeneres for example, remember her trackpants and sloppy joes? Look at her now. No one put her in high heels… cos it wasn’t her. Cindy will work with your personality, your body shape, your purpose and your budget. My life is changed forever. I feel like a new woman. I’m sure my new clothes will leak out into pictures soon. Thanks Cindy.
Visit her Website
Video Clip:
Rebecca Greensill:
Remember my Hero in Me Music Video? That was done by the wonderful Rebecca Greensill. Bec has just been promoted to script writer on Home & Away. She was the huge success (along with 35 fabulous volunteers) behind the video; writing the script, organising cast and crew, directing, AND editing. Slowly, her fabulous work is being recognised, and I was so privileged to work with her.
Email Bec: [email protected]
Web Designer:
Florence Road:
How important is it to have a website these days! A chap named Dave Anderson, fellow musician, started a web designing team, Florence Road. This team is responsible for my fantastic website. They are so helpful, affordable, Dave will shows you the ropes so you can manage and update your own website.
Visit their Website
I’ll keep adding to this list of resources. There are certainly some gems out there, and I’m just getting started in my recommendations.
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